
. Assignment #2 PR News’Digital PR Awards

Assignment #2

“2012 Digital PR Awards: Crisis Management”

Every organization is vulnerable to crises.A crisis management plan is necessary within Public Relations because news and information is traveling faster than ever. Companies must be able to quickly answer questions and allegations about potential crisis. The organization’s most important asset is at stake during these times, which is their reputation.

Crisis management plans include a public relations aspect. Its absolutely essential to maintain a company’s credibility and positive image in the face of adversity. The company’s customers, employees, management, financial supporters, the general public and the media need to feel that the company is well organized and has the ability to handle a crisis in a very professional manner.

This is what lead AA to great accreditation’s for their crisis management plan involving Alec Baldwin.

After Alec Baldwin took to Twitter to rant amd rave  about being asked to leave his flight because he refused to turn off his mobile device, American Airlines quickly responded on Facebook exhibiting some excellent crisis communications practices – by conducting a quick investigation into the matter, and not pretending the incident didn’t happen by engaging it head on.

Using Social Media was a great tactic. Its a very popular platform for AA to monitor and engage with their followers particularly on the issue of customer relations.AA successfully delivered their side of the story in a professional manor, a key aspect in crisis. As well as Facebook the airline also used Twitter to get the message out.

As stated,going the social media route was genius but what I also thought what was positive was the timely manor of the response. As a customer, I applaud fast responses and issues being taken care of promptly. AA responded  to the initial incident within five minutes of Baldwin’s twitter rant. AA reached 75,729 people and received praise for its responsiveness according to PRNews.

What is key, is that while there are many celebrities that may have a large following their actions and behavior stand by themselves. AA as a company has rules and regulations that everyone must follow.The lessons learned in this crisis is to be professional, follow the rules, and be respectful when you are traveling. And to never forget that you aren’t always “bigger” than everyone because your a celebrity.

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